Wednesday 27 May 2015

Hello? Is there anybody out there? It's me Stef

Wow!  I can’t believe I am finally writing my first blog entry.  It’s only taken me, oh forever!  I finally registered with Blogger a couple of weeks ago, had a little play around with the settings/layouts and then said to myself, right now you need to post your intro blog entry.  Of course that never happened and I put it off and off, having conversations in my head that went something like “right, catch up on your show and then start thinking about how to write your intro” or “ok tomorrow, will put a wash on and then hit it with my blog”.  I don’t get why it is so hard to take that initial first step, but then its like that with pretty much anything new that we want to try, exercise, new beauty regime, healthy eating etc.

Hi there!
So here goes, Hi!  I’m Stephanie (or Stef as I prefer) and I’m a blogging virgin.  I wanted to start a blog initially to vent and find a place where I could “talk” to “someone” that wasn’t a work colleague, my husband or family member.  Somewhere that was just for me, even if no one reads it or comments.  I want to share snippets, ok most, of my life with you and tell you about this awesome lipstick I’ve found.  Or bring you on a cook-a-long/bake-a-long.  Or tell you about this awesome day out we just had the other day.  I love to read, travel, shop and all sorts.  Oh and go out to dinner – ok fine I love food!  Although food doesn’t love me and I need to get a crackin’ on sorting that out before my birthday at the end of July.

My hubby (Dave)
Hopefully I haven’t lost you yet and you’re still with me.  Let’s tell you a little bit more about me and what makes up my little family.  I have a wonderful husband (David or Dave as he prefers) with whom I have been to married to for 4 years (this year), but we have been together forever (14 years to be exact).  He is my soul mate, my best friend and the one person I couldn’t live without and the only person that could put up with me and my weirdness. 
We have two adorable monsters (sorry cats) who are 3 years old but don’t look a day over 1.  We have Belle (Black and white) and Jasmine (Tabby). 

They are both sisters and couldn’t be more opposite in character.  Belle is a total outdoor cat and if she had her way would be out all day every day and only come in to whine for food and give the occasional love/affection.  Jas on the other hand is a house cat and is perfectly content to laze on our bed all day.  Dave says that she totally and absolutely loves me and it’s true, whilst I never have with either of them what I imagined having cats would be (they are my first ever pets), Jas is very much a mummys girl.  She follows me everywhere, if I call her she literally comes a running and if I am lying down in bed and put my arm a certain way she cuddles/snuggles down with me.  The only thing that I wish we had was me being able to pick her up and give her even more cuddles/snuggles but she is a very nervous cat and I think that it somehow developed before we even bought her home.  She walks around with her claws out all the time and if you pick her up her claws come out instantly, but she doesn’t claw you, she just struggles like a mad woman to get away from you. 
Little Belley is a gorgeous soppy little thing, but very independent and we generally only get love and affection when she wants to give it.  But when she does she is the floppiest thing ever.  She purrs like an engine and snores like a mouse (we think she has a sinus problem because she squeaks when she breathes and when she is in deep sleep mode makes little snoring noises).  When she gives love she basically throws herself down on you and wriggles and flops everywhere, stretches out and loves a belly rub.
What else…..I guess I could post some “coming soon” snippets.  As I mentioned before my birthday is coming up at the end of July and for the first time in forever (can’t say that sentence now without singing it in my head) I get to go abroad for my birthday!!!  I never get to go away as I was born in the busiest most expensive time of year – the summer holidays!  Also sucked when I was at school because I never got to be the kid that didn’t have to go to school on their birthday.  Anywho back to July, me and the hubster will be Eurostar-ing it off to Paris for 2 nights and be there on my actual birthday!!! I am so excited as I have never been to Paris before, apart from driving through it on the way back from Disneyland Paris.  I haven’t started planning much yet, which is a total shocker as I am Mrs Plans-a-lot, but I do have lunch booked on my birthday in the Eiffel Tower which should be pretty sweet. 
Paris...well the Disney World Version
After that we have Dave’s 30th celebrations in October.  He isn’t that keen on celebrating as he doesn’t want to turn 30 – but I love birthdays and I love to celebrate them, so am trying to figure out what to do and how.

Then the big one, but this is over a year away (466 days to be precise) so is a long old wait.  We are going to Walt Disney World in September to celebrate:-

·       My 30th
·       Our 5 year wedding anniversary
·       Dave’s 31st (as his birthday is the following month)

It’s still all in the planning stages and hasn’t really been officially confirmed (apart from booking it and paying the deposit).  However, I am choosing to believe that it will happen and we are going.  October will be the definite sign as that’s when the flights for next year are released.  So I defo will be blogging on that not just about the holiday but also the planning – as the planning is so much fun!

Our Happy Place

So that’s me, I hope you’ll join me as I share my (and sometimes out) life with you and comment away.

Ciao for now

Stef xx